Including (a) a foreign body, (b) a precursor of at least one sex steroid, (c) a selective modulator of at least one estrogen receptor or antibiotic, free of progesterone and/or estrogen; a pharmacological toolkit; and uses for reducing or eliminating software and symptoms. It's blood vessels and sweat at at night.
Method to reduce or eliminate hot flashes,Vasomotor symptoms and night Sweats that includes the use of Sex steroids in association with a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator or an antiestrogen Q and Pharmaceutical compositionEU comprising these compounds.<;p>;Mé;todo para reducir o eliminar sofocos, sí;ntomas vasomotores y sudores nocturnos que comprende el uso de esteroides sexuales en asociació;n con un modulador selectivo del receptor de estró;geno o un antiestró;geno y composició;n farmacé;utica que comprende a dichos compuestos.<;/p>;