LIN, KAI JU,林楷儒,林楷儒,LI, KUEI LIANG,李桂梁,李桂樑,LIN, JAO PERNG,林招膨,林招膨,LIN, CC,林群智,林群智,LAI, LU HAN,赖律翰,賴律翰
This invention relates to an apparatus which uses far infrared or micron pixel optical material and negative ion fabric to construct a mask device for closely shining face and eyes for health promotion. The apparatus comprises outer layer, intermediate layer, and inner layer pad. The outer layer is coated therein with far infrared ceramic or bamboo charcoal material. The intermediate layer is an energy flux regulation unit, which uses far infrared-generating ceramic material or optical energy material chip to make into a chain-like circular shape that contains carbon, silicon, and germanium covalent mineral, 30%-50% sintered alumina, and has a room temperature emittance over 90%. The intermediate layer uses heating circuits in series to form a network connection to cover the face and eyes portion, and an energy flux circuit design is appended to effectively regulate minute temperature rise. The inner layer pad is constructed of bamboo charcoal or ceramic powder fabric containing network pores to increase far infrared and micron pixel flux, and combined with negative ion porous fabric to regulate appropriate temperature through the heating circuits. Irradiation of each meridian tissue and skin of the face and eyes is performed uniformly or concentrated locally by the whole mask, thereby promoting the thermal effect and non-thermal health effect of far infrared or micron pixel light non-ionizing radiation and negative ion to make the energy penetrate from shallow part to deep part. Furthermore, this invention can control the irradiation time, unclog meridian and circulate blood, and activate cells to act as a health promotion apparatus for womens face and eyes beauty care and fatigue and muscle pain relief.一種以遠紅外線或微米素光材料及負離子布料構成面具式裝置,貼身照射眼臉部為促進健康的設備,該設備材料裝置含面具外層,面具中層及面具內層墊體。面具最外層內塗佈遠紅外線陶瓷或竹炭材料。面具中層為調控能通量單元,中層部分以產生遠紅外線陶瓷材料製成或環鏈圓狀物,光能量材料能量晶片或環鏈圓狀物,為一種包含碳,矽,鍺共價礦物及30%-50%之氧化鋁燒結物,室溫放射率90%以上。以加熱線路串聯組成面具包覆眼臉部網狀連結,附加調控有效微升溫度之佈建能量通量電路設計。內層墊體則以網狀孔隙含竹炭及瓷粉布料構成,增加遠紅外線及微米素光通量並結合負離子