1. A method for forming a virtual dentition model for manufacturing a physical model of the dentition, implemented using a computer, comprising the following steps: creating a virtual model of the dentition comprising a fragment of the gum and tooth as part of the removed element in the model forming in said fragment gingival cavity in which there is a wall and into which can be inserted removable element to form the interface between the removable element and the wall of the cavity, wherein the removable element and the wall of the cavity are arranged to form a gap at said interface and providing supporting-guiding means for supporting and positioning the removed element in a cavity, the supporting-guiding means are formed on one of two objects - said removes an element or said cavity wall - so as to extend through said gap between the removable element and the wall of the cavity with the provision of thereby, in the physical model made by the virtual model, supporting and positioning the removed element in the cavity, the contact area between the removable element and the cavity wall at said interface between adjacent surfaces due to the shape of supporting-guiding means and the second of the two objects - polosti.2 removable element or wall. A method according to claim 1, characterized in that the removable element is formed on at least part of the supporting-guiding means so that the contact area between the removable element and the wall of the cavity at said interface between adjacent surfaces due to the shape of supporting-guiding means and the wall1. Способ формирования виртуальной модели зубного ряда для изготовления физической модели зубного ряда, реализуемый с использованием компьютера, включающий следующие стадии: создание виртуальной модели зубного ряда, содержащей фрагмент десны и зуб в виде части удаляемого элемента в модели формирование в указанном фрагменте десны полости, в которой имеется стенка и в которую может быть введен удаляемый элемент с обр