An artificial respiration apparatus (1, 3, 7) with a continuous high frequency oscillator, comprising: a source (1) of pressurized gas; a reduction regulator (3) to regulate the flow from a gas source (1); means (7) for interrupting the continuous positive gas flow at a frequency of at least 1 hertz and at most 15 hertz, whereby the gas flow becomes pulsatile with a substantially constant pressure amplitude; an interconnection circuit with the patient incorporating a fixed Venturi tube (17) enclosed in a shell (11), with at least one rear opening (14) and at least one front opening (15) with a predetermined size open to the surrounding environment and with a rear flange (30) of support for the Venturi tube having several holes (16) for rear flange communication and two front flanges (28, 29) of the Venturi tube that have several respective holes (26, 27) of front flange communication to allow flow inlet and outlet, and an aerosol entrainment hole (20) connectable with a nebulizer (21) for aerosol entrainment; and wherein said means (7) for interrupting the flow of continuous gas in combination with said size of said at least one rear opening (14) and of said at least one front opening (15) are calibrated to allow exhalation and prevent the accumulation of successive volumes of gas in the airways of a patient.Un aparato (1, 3, 7) de respiración artificial con oscilador de alta frecuencia continuo, que comprende: una fuente (1) de gas a presión; un regulador (3) de reducción parar regular el flujo procedente de una fuente (1) de gas; unos medios (7) para interrumpir el flujo de gas positivo continuo en una frecuencia de al menos 1 hercio y como mucho 15 hercios, por lo que el flujo de gas se convierte en pulsátil con una amplitud de presión sustancialmente constante; un circuito de interconexión con el paciente que incorpora un tubo (17) Venturi fijo encerrado en una envuelta (11), con al menos una abertura (14) trasera y al menos una abertura (15) delantera con un ta