A method for biological protection of berry-fields from pests and pathogens, comprising methods of negative effect on harmful species of insects. At the end of spring - in the beginning of summer, at the beginning of mass laying of females of lepidopterous phytophages, two techniques of settling a laboratory culture of Trichogramma, in particular of the species Trichogramma evanescens Westw, onto bushes of berry-fields in an equivalent of 70 and 85 imagos per bush are carried out. In addition, in autumn, in the period of mass laying of females of tortrix moth Exapate congelatella two techniques of settling Trichogramma of the species Trichogramma dendrolimi Mats are carried out with an interval of 6-7 days, in an equivalent of 50 and 60 individuals per one bush, in addition, prior to the beginning of flowering of berry-fields, and right after flowering, at appearance of a mycelial coating of powdery mildew on plants two techniques of spraying bushes with a mixture of an aqueous solution of the organic fertilizer Riverm, 6.0 l/ha and fungicide Gamair, 0.03 kg/ha are carried out, in addition, in 8-10 days, one technique of spraying bushes with a mixture of an aqueous solution of the preparations Phytolavin-300, 0.9 l/ha and Aegerin, 1.5 l/ha. In addition, at emergence of caterpillars of phytophages older than the third age on bushes, two techniques of settling of ectoparasite of lepidopterous phytophages, in particular Habrobracon of the species Habrobracon hebetor Say., onto bushes are carried out in an equivalent of 20 and 25 individuals per one bush.Спосіб захисту біологічного захисту ягідників від шкідників і збудників хвороб, що включає прийоми негативної дії на шкідливі види комах. В кінці весни - на початку літа, на початку масової яйцекладки самиць лускокрилих фітофагів, проводять два прийоми розселення на кущі ягідників лабораторної культури трихограми, виду Trichogramma evanescens Westw з розрахунку 70 та 85 імаго на один кущ, крім того, восени, в період мас