A technique for generating a data set that geometrically defines a bone cutconfiguration for transverse maxillary distraction is described. A computer-implementedmethod aspect of that technique comprises creating a numeric model of amaxillabased on patient-specific data of the maxilla. The numeric model isrepresentative ofmechanic properties of the maxilla. Based on the numeric model thus generated,oneor more cut configurations for one or more bone cuts on at least one of a lefthandside and a right hand side of the maxilla are determined. Each cutconfiguration hasbeen determined to compensate for asymmetric mechanic properties of themaxilla.In a further step, a data set indicative of the one or more cut configurationsthusdetermined is generated. The data set may be used to create a surgicaltemplate orjig, for a computer-assisted surgery or in connection with a surgicalnavigationsystem.