A wound dressing with detectability used in the surface of wounds. It includes a surface composite of film with pressure sensitive adhesive, a detection layer, a dressing layer to absorb exudates, and a releasable bottom layer. The detection layer changes color by contacting with the exudates. When the dressing layer becomes saturated, exudates permeate the detection layer and a color change thereof. The color change is visible and reminds users to replace a new wound dressing.本創作係有關感測型傷口敷料,主要運用於皮膚的傷口表面,其包括一表層為薄膜材料其下表面塗佈感壓性黏著劑而成,一感測層,一傷口接觸層其可吸收傷口滲出液者,以及一底層為離型紙或離型膜;其特徵在於利用敷料吸收傷口滲出液後感測層的顏色變化,提醒使用者進行敷料的更換。11‧‧‧表層12‧‧‧感測層13‧‧‧傷口接觸層14‧‧‧底層