The invention relates to installations for the industrial cultivation of photosynthetic microorganisms and is intended for use in agriculture and the microbiological industry. The technical result is to increase the illumination by more than 60%, which leads to increased performance. The technical result is achieved by the installation for the cultivation of microalgae containing a light-transmitting tubular reactor, made in the form of a coil, including straight sections arranged in parallel planes so that the coils of the pipes in one plane are placed opposite the inter-turn gaps of another adjacent plane, technological pipes and tanks , pump and light sources, the location of the pipes in the coil in cross section have a star-shaped configuration, the pipes in which are placed along cal circles and form cylindrical surface layers, wherein the light sources are disposed in a common center of circles, characterized in that the mutual arrangement of the pipes in the space in cross section defined uravneniygde system: R- radius tube location circumferentially in the first inner layer; R is the radius of the circumference of the location of the pipes in the second layer; R is the radius of the circumference of the location of the pipes in the n layer; d is the outer diameter of the pipe; s is the wall thickness of the pipe; n is the number of pipes in the first layer; L is the distance between the centers of adjacent pipes in cross section; Ψ is the central angle between the centers of adjacent pipes of the first and second layers; Ψ is the central angle between the centers of adjacent pipes of the second and third layers; Ψ is the central angle between the centers of adjacent pipes of the (n-1) -th and n-th layers. Given the thicknessИзобретение относится к установкам для промышленного выращивания фотосинтезирующих микроорганизмов и предназначена для использования в сельском хозяйстве и микробиологической промышленности. Технический результат заключается в увеличении