Imaging method, program, diagnostic agent, companion diagnostic agent, drug, screening method, input terminal, server and system for AMPA receptor in brain of primate organism
The imaging method of the AMPA receptor in the brain of a primate according to the present invention is a method in which a substance which is administered to a primate and selectively binds to the AMPA receptor in the brain of a primate and has a radioactive label is used. Data on the distribution and / or expression level of AMPA receptors in the brain by detecting the radiation emitted from the substance bound to the AMPA receptors in the brain by migrating into the brain and binding to the AMPA receptors in the brain. There is a step of acquiring.本発明に係る霊長類生体の脳内AMPA受容体のイメージング方法は、霊長類生体に投与された、霊長類生体の脳内AMPA受容体に選択的に結合しかつ放射性標識を有する物質を、脳内に移行させて前記脳内AMPA受容体に結合させ、脳内AMPA受容体に結合した物質から放出される放射線を検知することで、脳内AMPA受容体の分布及び/又は発現量に関するデータを取得する工程を有する。