1. The stent-graft designed to redirect fluid flow through the lumen of the hollow organ, the hollow organ lumen has a wall bounding its internal space stent-graft comprises a substantially tubular stent structure substantially tubular mesh structure, coaxially arranged over at least a portion of the stent framework and attached thereto mort substantially tubular material implant disposed above and attached to at least a portion of the stent structure and part of a network structure, wherein the implant material and the mesh structure are oriented such that the end portion of the net-like structure extends beyond the end portion of an adjacent stent material, the stent structure and implant material are configured to create a first seal between the stent-graft and the wall of the hollow body organ, wherein the substantially tubular stent structure and the mesh Single structure are configured to create a second seal between the stent-graft and the wall organa.2. The stent-graft of claim 1, wherein the mesh structure is a wire mesh strukturu.3. The stent-graft of claim 1, wherein the mesh structure is a sheet material obtained by mechanical obrabotkoy.4. The stent-graft of claim 3, wherein the sheet material perforirovan.5. The stent-graft of claim 2 or 3, wherein the porosity of the net-like structure is closed enough to redirect the fluid from the first seal and reducing the pressure in the region of the first seal, wherein the structure is open enough to carry the carcass part for germination TKA1. Стент-имплантат, предназначенный для перенаправления тока жидкости через просвет полого органа, при этом просвет полого органа имеет стенку, ограничивающую его внутреннее пространство стент-имплантат содержит:по существу трубчатую структуру стентапо существу трубчатую сетчатую структуру, расположенную коаксиально над по меньшей мере частью структуры стента, и прикрепленную к ней ипо существу трубчатый материал имплантата, расположенный над и прикрепленный к по меньшей ме