An apparatus and related methods for ultrasonically scanning a tissue sampleare described, the apparatus comprising an ultrasound transducer and a tautfabric sheet compressing the tissue sample, the ultrasound transducer contactingthe taut fabric sheet and ultrasonically scanning the tissue sample therethrough.Preferably, the taut fabric sheet is substantially porous with respect to anacoustic couplant. In another embodiment, an ultrasound transducer and a ventedmembrane are provided, the vented membrane having a first surface contactingthe tissue surface and a second surface opposite the first surface, the ultrasoundtransducer contacting the second surface and being translated across the secondsurface for ultrasonically scanning the tissue volume. An acoustic couplantis applied to one of the tissue surface, the first surface, and the second surface,the vented membrane being provided with a void pattern such that it is substantiallyporous with respect to the acoustic coupling agent.