A method of generating a digital supplementary device for dental implantation by: preparing a mouth model based on the internal shape of the oral cavity of the patient performing a 3D scan to obtain digital model of the mouth model, the digital model of the patients oral cavity and the digital model of the tooth model defining the digital models as the &ldquopositioning object,&rdquo&ldquothe reference object&rdquo and the &ldquoattached positioning object&rdquo obtaining characteristic points after joining the positioning object and the attached positioning object and positioning the positioning object and the reference object based on the characteristic points and then outputting the attached positioning object with the positioning data obtained after positioning of the attached positioning object. The output thus obtained is the desired digital supplementary device for dental implant planning.一種數位植牙規劃輔助元件之產生方法,主要係藉由翻製病患口腔內的形狀,而做成一口腔模型,再進行3D立體掃瞄,取得口腔模型的數位模型、病患口腔的數位模型、以及缺牙牙齒模型的數位模型,並分別定義為定位物件、參考物件以及伴隨定位物件;再將定位物件及伴隨定位物件結合後取出特徵點,藉由該等特徵點進行該定位物件與該參考物件的定位;將該伴隨定位物件定位完成後的定位資料連同該伴隨定位物件本身輸出,所輸出者即為一數位植牙規劃輔助元件。