The present invention relates to a plant lighting which is pleasing to the eye by using a light source control module to emit light onto a transparent plate. The light source control module can emit light with various colors. In addition, the plant lighting of the present invention includes ornaments capable of increasing the flexibility of use and the water level in the plant module within the plant lighting can be known easily by means of an indicator. The absorbency of the absorber of the plant module can be adjusted by changing its structure.本發明係有關於一種植栽燈具,係利用燈源控制模組對應於透光板產生燈光之照射,並配合植栽模組之使用,使植栽燈具於裝飾擺設上更為美觀,且燈源控制模組可視需要產生不同顏色之燈光。前述植栽燈具可包括飾件以增加使用彈性、配合水位指示裝置使人們得知水位訊息、變化吸水件之結構設計使其具有調整吸水速率之功能。1...植栽燈具2...框體21...內容室22...前面板221...開口222...環凸緣224...容置槽24...通孔25...後面板26...環側板261...注水孔27...飾件3...透光板31...飾紋32...開孔4...燈源控制模組401...另一燈源控制模組41...電路控制板42...發光二極體5...電源模組51...電池6...植栽模組61...植栽容室62...盛水容室64...注水口82...指示件