the invention relates to a process for preparing the ground for achieving the distribution of tubers in potato reduce the amount of commercial uninteresting ozelenelih tubers harvested this process, the first step in the preparation of appropriate gnojeno, be plowed and mixed agricultural land or an inert substrate.then, in a second step, the appropriate gnojeno mentioned plowed and mixed agricultural land or an inert substrate to a predetermined depth of planting on soil nasicer\u0161nji level at regular mutual distance in the longitudinal direction of the agricultural land, andthe regular of distance, which corresponds to a multiple of the track of the tractor, the planted seed tubers from the selected varieties of potatoes.this is followed by backfilling the tubers with ogrinja\u010do from the agricultural land or an inert substrate, which is mentioned in the transverse cross section shaped as isosceles right ogrinja\u010da trapeze.vsakokraten seed potato tuber is spaced at least about vosrednji vertical plane of the ogrinja\u010de.and with the upper surface of the ogrinja\u010de at least approximately straight and parallel to the ground plane, and its width is set in advance.after the potatoes to the proliferation of macro, and at the appropriate time, when the time is, from the agricultural surface scratches.Izum se nanaša na postopek priprave zemlje za doseganje načrtovane razporeditve gomoljev pri pridelavi krompirja, s katerim se zmanjša količino komercialno nezanimivih ozelenelih gomoljev pridelanega krompirja. V tovrstnem postopku se v prvem koraku pripravi primerno gnojeno, zorano in premešano kmetijsko zemljo ali inerten substrat. Zatem se v drugem koraku v omenjeno predhodno primerno gnojeno, zorano in premešano kmetijsko zemljo ali inerten substrat na vnaprej določeno globino sajenja glede nasiceršnji nivo tal na enakomernih medsebojnih razdaljah v vzdolžni smeri kmetijskega zemljišča in tudi na enakomernih medse