device for the controlled discharge of static charge in the subjects is carried out from the housing (3) installed two electric non elements (1) which are mutually spaced apart by at least one spring (2), at least one element (1) ule\u017eajen contained in a housing (3) so that the external force primakne parallel to another element (1).with the prile\u017enih plots (4) of both elements (1) arranged electrical contacts (5), which are arranged on each plot (4) in the mutual spacing (a) and the surface (4) arranged in mutual interval (b), and at the same time row contacts (5) on one and the other element (1) are shifted bythe pin (5) of one species lie in the interval (a), and at the same time, both types of contacts (5) situated between the spacing (b), and the first contact (5) in a series of one element (1) and the contact (5) in a row on the second element (2) coupled in series in discharging the electrical circuit to the volume part (6) of the element (1), the contacts (5) and the grounding conductor (7).air gap (c), which sets the penetration of air, is the sum of the diagonal distance (d) between adjacent contacts (5) of one and the other of the contacts (5).Pripomoček za nadzorovano razelektritev statičnega naboja v osebah je izveden iz v ohišju (3) nameščenih dveh električno neprevodnih elementov (1), ki sta med seboj razmaknjena s pomočjo vsaj ene vzmeti (2), pri čemer je vsaj en element (1) uležajen v ohišju (3) tako, da se z zunanjo silo primakne vzporedno k drugemu elementu (1), pri čemer so na priležnih ploskvah (4) obeh elementov (1) nameščeni električni kontakti (5), ki so razporejeni na vsaki ploskvi (4) v medsebojnem razmiku (a) in sta ploskvi (4)razporejeni v medsebojnem razmiku (b) in sta hkrati vrsti kontaktov (5) na enem in drugem elementu (1) zamaknjeni tako, da kontakti (5) ene vrste ležijo v sredi razmika (a) in sta hkrati obe vrsti kontaktov (5) oddaljeni med seboj za razmik (b), pri čemer sta prvi kontakt (5) v vrsti na enem elementu (1) in