The present invention relates to fruit chocolate. When making chocolate, dried fruit powder or fruit juice are put into the chocolate; or fruit juice, dried fruit powder, or fruits are put into the chocolate or put on materials placed on the exterior of the chocolate. The chocolate is made by using one method or two or more methods. The kinds of fruit put into or put on the chocolate are pear, pineapple, peach, orange, coconut, lemon, quince, apple, grapefruit, melon, grape, banana, Japanese apricot, Rubus coreanus fruit, mango, kiwi, oriental melon, watermelon, apricot, citrus, guava, tropical fruits, plum, cherry, and persimmon. The purpose of the present invention is to make fresh and delicious chocolate.1.쵸콜릿을 만들때 과일건조가루나 과일즙이 들어가거나,쵸콜릿 안이나 겉에 얹어지는 재료에 과일즙이나 과일건조가루나 과일이 들어가거나 얹혀진 쵸콜릿이다. 1가지 방법이나 2가지 방법이상으로 만들어진 쵸콜릿이다.2.들어가거나 얹혀지는 과일의 종류에는 {배,파인애플,복숭아,오렌지,코코넛,레몬,모과,사과,자몽,멜론,포도,바나나,매실,복분자,망고,키위,참외,수박,살구,유자,구아바,열대과일,자두,앵두,감,}가 있다.