Nerobeev Aleksandr Ivanovich,Неробеев Александр Иванович,Kobazev Viktor Eduardovich,Кобазев Виктор Эдуардович,Orlova Ekaterina Valerevna,Орлова Екатерина Валерьевна
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, namely to maxillofacial and plastic surgery. Perform hydropreparation of the skin, conduct an incision in the temporal region. Form a subcutaneous fat layer in the direction of the nasolabial and labial folds of the tunnel, conduct in it a reticular implant. Soft tissues of the face are moved by pulling the mesh implant upwards and laterally and then fixing it to the temporal fascia. In this case, after carrying out a cut of 20–30 mm in the temporal region, three fan-shaped tunnels are formed in the subcutaneous fat layer towards the nasolabial fold, the corner of the mouth and the lipofibroid fold of 100–150 mm in length and 10–30 mm in width. They install three mesh implants, which are self-locking, semi-resorbable mesh implants made of polypropylene with micro-hooks made of polylactic acid with an implant length of 100–200 mm and a width of 10–30 mm. In this case, the micro-hooks face the superficial muscular aponeurotic layer, followed by the movement of the soft tissues of the middle and lower zones of the face by tightening the self-locking semi-resorbable mesh implants laterally and upward, fixing to the temporal fascia and excising their excesses.EFFECT: method allows to obtain aesthetically and functionally satisfactory results due to the permanent fixation of the soft tissues of the face in the desired position in the absence of a long incision and no risk of damage to the branches of the facial nerve.1 cl, 3 dwg, 1 exИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к челюстно-лицевой и пластической хирургии. Осуществляют гидропрепаровку кожи, проводят разрез в височной области. Формируют в подкожно-жировом слое по направлению к носогубной и губоподбородочной складкам тоннель, проводят в нем сетчатый имплантат. Перемещают мягкие ткани лица путем подтягивания сетчатого имплантата вверх и латерально с последующей его фиксацией к височной фасции. При этом после проведения разреза длиной 20-30 мм в височной о