The method comprises connecting a molded part (10) with a carrier (14), which is produced from a blank and over a first connector (20, 22 and 24) such as a web or membrane during sintering. The carrier is produced as a section of the blank section-wisely and circumferentially surrounding the molded part by material-removal process from the blank. After the production of the carrier and a second connector (16 and 18) is connected with a residual blank (12) section-wisely spatially surrounding the carrier. The carrier circumferentially surrounds the molded part and is milled out from the blank. The method comprises connecting a molded part (10) with a carrier (14), which is produced from a blank and over a first connector (20, 22 and 24) such as a web or membrane during sintering. The carrier is produced as a section of the blank section-wisely and circumferentially surrounding the molded part by material-removal process from the blank. After the production of the carrier and a second connector (16 and 18) is connected with a residual blank (12) section-wisely spatially surrounding the carrier. The carrier circumferentially surrounds the molded part and is milled out from the blank and so that the carrier is connected with the molded part over a first membrane and/or over two first webs and is connected with the remaining residual blank over a second membrane and/or over two second webs. The molded part and the carrier restoringly pass to a section of outer surface of the residual blank and/or the frame and ON which the residual blank is positioned at a base during sintering. The carrier with the molded part is separated from the residual blank before completely sintering. The carrier remains unmachined in its height. Each molded part is surrounded by the common carrier, and is surrounded as carrier, whose progression follows circumferential contour of the molded part and by the frames. A disk is used as the blank. A seven-membered dental bridge is produced as the mol