The present invention relates to a co-crystallization method adopted to boosttheerythritol sweetness and the erythritol cocrystalline thus obtained. Theinventionconsists of the following procedures: (1) Prepare the supersaturatederythritol solution;(2) Add the high sweetener to the supersaturated erythritol solution; (3) Co-crystallizethe erythritol: continue to cool the supersaturated erythritol solution mixedwith thehigh sweetener and thus obtain the co-crystalline product of the erythritoland the highsweetener; (4) Co-crystallized erythritol is dried by the heat ofcrystallization in thecrystallization process and under normal circumstances requires no furtherdrying. Ifnecessary, the product may be dried in the range of 40-60 . The erythritolcocrystalline of different sizes may be obtained by sieving. The presentinventiontakes advantage of the excellent crystallinity of the erythritol and binds thehighsweetener and the erythritol together through co-crystallization. Theinventionimproves the sweetness of the erythritol and featuers stable sweetness,uniformcontent and simple process.