The present invention relates to a vegetable garden making method for a personal residence which includes a vegetable garden portion inside a garden of a personal residence, so that the user can experience the cultivation and harvest of various crops by themselves, and family members and children can learn about the growth of the crops. Additionally, eating organic crops directed harvested by their own hands can be helpful for the health management of the user.본 발명은 개인주택 내에 존재하는 정원 내에 텃밭부를 조성함으로써, 다양한 작물을 거주자가 직접 재배하고 수확하는 것을 체험함으로써, 가족들, 아이들에게 작물의 성장과정을 교육할 수 있고, 직접 수확한 유기농 작물을 섭취하여 건강관리에도 도움이 되는 장점이 있다.