Yi Seed An Mo Pads structures, it includes have:One An Mo Pads With, mono- Scratch parts, wherein have Pads Like this Body by the Pads tools that rub Let has Number rows to massage convex grain on an at least table face of this Body of The Pads Like all Edge Even are connected to the outer portions Ring, and the outer portions Ring The are that have the 2nd Side of 2 the oneth Side With 2, and each Let of The is entreated to have at least one to perforate in each Side of this Body of stated Pads Like, there is Scratch parts Duo Number Even Jie Strip, the The Wai Kuang With Even Jie Strip Shi Fen Do in outline border described in a Wai Kuang With Let whats to be coated in described Wai this Body of Ring Bu With Pads Like.一種按摩墊結構,其包含有:一按摩墊與一撓性件,其中,按摩墊具有一墊狀本體,該墊狀本體的至少一表面上設有數排按摩凸粒,周緣連接有一外環部,且該外環部是具有二第一邊與二第二邊,在所述墊狀本體的各邊中央則各設有至少一穿孔,撓性件具有一外框與設於所述外框中的多數連接條,該外框與連接條是分別包覆在所述外環部與墊狀本體中。(10)‧‧‧按摩墊(11)‧‧‧墊狀本體(111)‧‧‧按摩凸粒(112)‧‧‧穿孔(12)‧‧‧外環部(121)‧‧‧第一邊(122)‧‧‧第二邊(20)‧‧‧撓性件(21)‧‧‧外框(22)‧‧‧連接條