It refers to a bowling ball composed of starch and 5% to 75% protein weight, which is based on the dry weight of the bowling ball, where starch is a kind of local starch, improved or mixed, while protein is gluten. A preparation method is also mentioned These balls are used to make food ingredients for pets, fish and other animals.REFERIDA A UNA BOLILLA QUE COMPRENDE ALMIDON Y DE 5% A 75% PESO/PESO DE PROTEINA CON BASE EN EL PESO SECO DE LA BOLILLA, DONDE EL ALMIDON ES UN ALMIDON NATIVO, MODIFICADO O MEZCLAS DE ESTOS Y LA PROTEINA ES GLUTEN. TAMBIEN ESTA REFERIDA A UN METODO DE PREPARACION. DICHAS BOLILLAS SON UTILES PARA ELABORAR COMPOSICIONES DE ALIMENTOS PARA MASCOTAS, PECES, ENTRE OTROS