The invention relates to a process for producing electrical, mechanical or thermal energy by exploiting the energy of a human or animal breathing cycle. According to the invention, the process consists in applying a corset (2) made of a flexible inextensible material onto the abdominal thoracic zone of a human or animal, during the breath-in stage of the breathing cycle, where the drive heads (1) of the corset (2) move some racks (3) in opposite directions and the racks (3), in their turn, rotate a gear wheel (4) driving a speed step-up gear (5) which is coaxially connected with an alternating current generator (6), the current passing through a direct current rectifying bridge (7) and a voltage stabilizer (8), wherefrom the electric energy can be stored in a storage cell (9) and/or can directly supply an external electric energy consumer (10), while, in the breath-out stage, a spring (11) prestressed in the breath-in stage moves the racks (3) in the return direction, to one another, thereby allowing the generator (6) to produce electric current, either by reversed rotation, or by rotation in the same direction, by inserting a two-way scuttle (12) between the drive wheel (4) and the speed step-up gear (5).Invenţia se referă la un procedeu de obţinere a energiei electrice, mecanice sau termice, prin exploatarea energiei ciclului respirator al unui om sau al unui animal. Procedeul conform invenţiei constă în aplicarea, peste zona abdominal toracică a unui om sau animal, în faza de inspiraţie a ciclului respirator, a unui corset (2) realizat dintr-un material flexibil şi inextensibil, ale cărui capete (1) de acţionare deplasează nişte cremaliere (3) în sens contrar, iar cremalierele (3), la rândul lor, realizează rotaţia unei roţi (4) dinţate de acţionare a unui multiplicator (5) de turaţie, legat coaxial cu un generator (6) de curent alternativ, curent care trece printr-o punte (7) de redresare în curent continuu, şi un stabilizator (8) de tensiune, de unde energia el