This Chong Zuo Department You Off Yu mono- Seed Chao Shi Machine Kitchen I Lek Qian Installed are set, its main Will food materials Sheng Installed whats Chao Shi Roll and The add Hot to bake and bank up with earth Hou by Chao Shi Machine Furnace fire Single members, with can the Will Cai Meat Pour Disk of Daoing Installed Hou, Chao Shi Roll are cleaned again, and its dish slag sewage Luo Ru Kitchen I Lek Qian Installed for cleaning Hou sets and is universe Wet Fen From persons, wherein Let has a bottom to hold slot with open-work Shang Yu Machine TaiThereby, enter to hold slot Hou with Let Kitchen I sewage Guide, Will Kitchen I With dirt water divides From, the discharge of Let sewage, and Da to Kitchen I, which are returned, receives effect that With prevents stink four scattered.本創作係有關於一種炒食機之廚餘瀝乾裝置,其主要將食材盛裝於炒食滾筒而經由炒食機之爐火單元加熱烘培後,以可將菜餚傾倒裝盤後,再清洗炒食滾筒,而其清洗後之菜渣污水落入廚餘瀝乾裝置做乾溼分離者,其中於機台上設有一底部具有透孔的承槽;藉此,以讓廚餘污水導入承槽後,將廚餘與污水分離,讓污水排出,達到廚餘回收與防止臭味四散的功效。