T. Oacute; n refers to the pharmaceutical and amperometric sectors; eacute; utico, CEP amp; Iacute; effective intensive disinfection device; oacute; N through irradiation and amp; oacute; n electron beam made from soft bags, especially those that may contain protein and amp solutions; Iacute; n; the current invention; oacute; n refers to the pharmaceutical and amperometric departments; eacute; utico, CEP amp; Iacute; effective intensive disinfection device; oacute; N through irradiation and amp; oacute; n; electron beam made of soft bags, especially those that may contain protein and amp solution; Iacute; n; NAS plasm amp; Aacute; human data for therapy and amp; eacute; utico. The device consists of two electron accelerators: the first one that emits electron beams with energy and amperes; the Iacute; between 400 keV and the second one; Iacute; at least 4 MeV. ADEM AMP;AACUTE;S,Oacute; n refers to disinfection and amperometric procedures; oacute; n refers to irradiation and amp procedures; oacute; n refers to electron beam and L amp procedures in these soft bags; Iacute refers to soft bag respirator using disinfection and amp devices and procedures; oacute refers to current invention and ampere; oacute refers to current invention and ampere procedure; oacute refers to current invention and ampere procedure; oacute refers to current invention and ampere procedure; oacute refers to current invention and ampere procedure; oacute refers to current invention and ampere procedure; oacute refers to current invention and ampere procedure; oacute refers to current invention and ampere procedure; oacute refers; Oacute,n. lt;/p gt;<;p>;La presente invenció;n se refiere al sector farmacé;utico, especí;ficamente a un dispositivo mejorado para la esterilizació;n mediante irradiació;n por haz de electrones de bolsas flexibles, en particular de bolsas flexibles del tipo que pueden contener soluciones de proteí;nas plasmá;ticas huma