1. Desert or sand control procedures; 1. Monitoring procedures Manual operation, or MEC AMP; AACUTE; or Pulverizaci AMP; OACUTE; N and water and extended i AMP; OACUTE; N and matter ORG AMP; AACUTE; NIAS AMP; OACUTE; or continuous operation on desert surface or sand.Or directly eject a solution; Oacute; N has consistency and ADHESI AMP; OACUTE; N by ORG AMP; AACUTE; NICA S AMP; OACUTE; LIDAS. Sand ejected from desert surface or sand, such as solution and ampere; Oacute; N ejected from ORG AMP; AACUTE; NIAS S AMP; OACUTE; Lidas or diffusion with ORG AMP; AACUTE; NIAS AMP; OACUTE; Lidas, ejected from water, will shake evenly. By using agitators and amperes, you canTherefore, the sand body on the surface of desert or sand is changed into a modified sand body. The control program can be carried out directly on deserts or sands that need to be controlled, without changing the sand body by shaking and ampere, Oacute, and pulling down separately, thus saving a lot of construction costs; Oacute; N and I. JORA Building Efficiency CI AMP; OACUTE; N. ADEM AMP; AACUTE; S,Shaking and Ampere Procedure; Oacute Procedure; N Procedure for Desert Surface or Tambi and Ambusha; EACUTE Procedure; N Procedure for Planting on Desert Surface or Soil Sand to facilitate operation and Ampere; Oacute; Post-Sowing Procedure Or in a controlled desert or sand; or<;p>;Un procedimiento de control de desierto o arena. Se realizan manual o mecá;nicamente la pulverizació;n con agua y la extensió;n de sustancias orgá;nicas só;lidas sobre la superficie de un desierto o arena en cualquier secuencia, o se pulveriza directamente una solució;n que tiene cohesividad y adhesió;n formada por sustancias orgá;nicas só;lidas. Un cuerpo de arena sobre la superficie del desierto o la arena que se pulveriza con la solució;n formada por sustancias orgá;nicas só;lidas o que se extiende con las sustancias orgá;nicas só;lidas y que