[Problem] stroke and spinal cord injury and diabetes and multiple sclerosis and Parkinsons disease or injury, a person such as injury or traumatic brain injury has become foot drop because of, rehabilitation in the recovery movement of the foot function - when performing tion , legs and feet that do not work on his or her intention, the foot of foot drop that can not remain standing by Standing collapse, is fixed to the figure which can walk, reliably transmitted to the foot stimulation of recovery movement, until his own foot drop can move to provide a foot drop functional recovery training for the sandals-shaped walking supporters who created as gait training tool of functional recovery movement of the foot to support the muscle movement to. And sandals that were fitted with a flat string hanging with taped multiple overlay to A thong, flat band to be fixed by wound to the ankle which is provided with a plurality of latch device corresponding to a plurality of hanging flat string that was attached to the thong, from capital it is that it is characterized. .BACKGROUND【課題】脳卒中や脊髄損傷や糖尿病や多発性硬化症やパーキンソン病や負傷、損傷や外傷性脳損傷等が原因で下垂足になった人が、足機能の回復運動でリハビリテ-ションを行う際、本人の意思では動かない足と脚、立ち崩れて立ち留まる事が出来ない下垂足の足を、歩ける姿に固定して、回復運動の刺激を確実に足に伝え、自ら下垂足が動けるまでに筋力運動をサポートするための足の機能回復運動の歩行訓練用具として作り上げた下垂足機能回復訓練用草履形歩行サポーターを提供する。【解決手段】鼻緒に複数の重ね合わせ止めテープ付き吊り平紐を取りつけた草履と、鼻緒に付けた複数の吊り平紐に対応する複数の掛け金具を備えた足首に巻き付けて固定する平帯、とからなることを特徴とする。【選択図】図3