Bogomolov Aleksej Valerevich,Богомолов Алексей Валерьевич
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, specifically to ophthalmology. For phacoemulsification of cataracts complicated by subluxation of the lens, lens fixation is performed. In the sector of the greatest defect of ligaments, capsulorhexis with a dimension of 60 degrees or more is performed. Through the paracentesis, a hook for equatorial lens support (HES) is inserted into the capsular bag, pulling it, moving the lens to the correct position, simultaneously assessing the presence or absence of hernia vitreous body. In the presence of a hernia of the vitreous body, anterior vitrectomy is performed then capsulorhexis is completed. Determine the presence or absence of deficiency of ligaments of Zinn in other sectors. In the presence of deficiency of of ligaments of Zinn, additional HESs of no more than three are introduced into the corresponding zones through separate paracentesis. Then start to remove the lens and implant the intraocular lens. At the end of the operation, all used HESs are removed.EFFECT: method facilitates the implementation and increases the safety of operations to remove cataracts complicated by subluxation of the lens of any degree, expands the indications for minimally invasive cataract surgery by enabling the centering, to fix and straighten the capsular bag when manipulating the subluxated lens, to achieve the optimal position and size of capsulorhexis, the possibility of gradual repositioning of the subluxated lens and a combination with anterior vitrectomy without the risk of a buildup of the vitreous hernia and complete luxation of the lens, exclusion of pressure on the edge of capsulorhexis, preventing the reduction of the sphincter of the iris.1 cl, 1 ex, 3 dwgИзобретение относится к области медицины, а именно к офтальмологии. Для факоэмульсификации катаракты, осложненной подвывихом хрусталика, проводят фиксацию хрусталика. В секторе наибольшего дефекта связок выполняется капсулорексис протяженностью от 60 градусов и бо