Non-infectious particles were produced in which the antigen protein of the pathogen was expressed on the surface of the virus particles that did not have at least one of the paramyxovirus envelope proteins on the particles. It has been found that the particles retain a larger amount of antigen protein in the particles than infectious particles and can elicit a host immune response with extremely high efficiency. The non-infectious particles of the present invention are useful as vaccines against pathogenic viruses and the like.パラミクソウイルスのエンベロープタンパク質の少なくとも一種を粒子上に持たないウイルス粒子表面に、病原体の抗原タンパク質を発現させた非感染性粒子を製造した。当該粒子は、感染性粒子に比べて多量の抗原タンパク質を粒子中に保持しており、極めて高い効率で宿主免疫応答を惹起できることが判明した。本発明の非感染性粒子は、病原性ウイルス等に対するワクチンとしての有用である。