Бокерия Лео Антонович,Бокерия Ольга Леонидовна,Салия Натела Теймуразовна,Шарифов Сабухи Князь-оглы,Куц Юрий Валентинович
The invention relates to medical engineering, in particular to a technique for cardiovascular surgery and cardiology, and can be used for diagnosis and complex treatment due to the impact on the patients low intensity electromagnetic radiation of cardiovascular diseases, including remotely on-line, while necessary, adjustments are made in the therapy mode.At diagnosis, before treatment and monitoring of the treatment carried out a study of PPG and ECG. For this apparatus to connect the ECG sensor unit and PPG using the virtual keyboard on the control unit and the storage information is entered, and the appropriate actions are carried out - registration of PPG and ECG simultaneously.For skrinningovogo study enough of the recording for 5-6 minutes. This study may hold up to 24 hours if necessary. After the end of the study, the results are transmitted via the USB port on the computer doctor (remote transmission), it is possible in the online mode. Last evaluates the results and adjust the algorithm for treatment if necessary.Possible to carry out the treatment, how to use the connected electrodes, and in the non-contact mode, connecting inductor antenna.After the therapy session, the data of physiological parameters of the patient, while study PPG and ECG are processed and, if necessary, appropriate changes are made in the therapy algorithm. In addition, the possibility of remote online correction of the treatment and control of the treatment performed, by connecting the device via USB-port and through the Internet connection is established the device with a remote computer (with a doctor).Устройство для диагностики и комплексного лечения сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний, содержащее блок электродов, выполненных в виде индукционной катушки, блок коммутации, блок ввода данных, блок цифро-аналогового преобразователя, ко входу-выходу которого подключены съемные картриджи, в виде одноразовых тест полосок, а также содержащее блок формирования лечебного сигнала, блок управлен