The invention relates to the photodynamic inactivation, on medical instruments, of viruses containing RNA and DNA. A method for inactivating, on medical instruments, viruses containing RNA and DNA, including the preliminary mechanical cleaning and washing of the instruments, then keeping the instruments in an aqueous solution of methylene blue and activation with light, wherein, according to the invention, activation in an aqueous solution of methylene blue having a concentration of 0.01-0.02% is effected by irradiation with a wavelength ranging between 588 and 592 nm and an overall light output of at least 280 lm, wherein the instruments are kept in the solution for 90 min. An apparatus for inactivating, on medical instruments, viruses containing RNA and DNA comprising a hermetically-sealing housing with a chamber, an instrument container which is located in the chamber and which is filled with a solution of methylene blue, and, installed above the container, a source of monochromatic light comprising monochromatic emitters, wherein, according to the invention, the source of monochromatic light comprises LEDs with a wavelength ranging between 588 and 592 nm or between 658 and 662 nm and an overall light output of at least 280 lm. The technical result is to develop an effective method, involving minimal outlay of effort and energy, for inactivating, on medical instruments, viruses containing RNA and DNA, and also an apparatus for implementing same by achieving maximal activation of a photochemical agent during interaction with monochromatic light.Изобретение относится к фотодинамической инактивации РНК и ДНК содержащих вирусов на медицинском инструментарии. Способ инактивации РНК и ДНК содержащих вирусов на медицинском инструментарии, включающий предварительную механическую очистку и промывку инструментария, последующую его выдержку в водном растворе метиленового синего и активацию светом, в котором согласно изобретению активацию в водном растворе метиленового синег