This invention relates to a carryable and automatically balanced intravenous drip frame and using method thereof. About the using method, it includes the steps of (1) preparing step, (2) zeroing calibration step, (3) tilting step, (4) balancing step, and (5) finishing step. This invention contains a carrying unit and a supporting unit. The user can wear on the supporting unit. The carrying unit has a hanging portion that is disposed on the supporting unit and is driven by a power portion. An intravenous drip can be hung on the hanging portion. When the user is tilted, the hanging portion will be tilted from a zeroing position to a tilted position. Based on the detected information from detectors, the carrying unit is able to make the hanging portion returning to its original zeroing position via a fuzzy control technique. So, it can achieve the automatic balance function. Therefore, this invention can avoid the intravenous drip’s blood flowing back problem. It is suitable for tilting forward or tilting backward. Its flexibility is high. In addition, it can be adjusted for different users.本發明係有關一種平衡調控背負式點滴架的使用方法及其裝置,使用方法包括下列步驟:一.準備步驟、二.歸零步驟、三.傾斜步驟、四.平衡調控步驟與五.完成步驟。依前述步驟設一載體單元及一背負單元。背負單元穿著於使用者身上。載體單元於背負單元上樞設受動力部驅動之吊掛部,吊掛部吊掛點滴裝置。當使用者於站立與傾斜間變換,吊掛部係於歸零位置與傾斜位置間變換,載體單元依感測到之變換訊號進行模糊化訊號值,將吊掛部轉回歸零位置,達到平衡調控作業等優點。故,本發明兼具有效防止點滴回血現象、正反向傾斜均適用、機動性高與依使用者習慣進行調整相當人性化等優點。20‧‧‧載體單元21‧‧‧固定部22‧‧‧吊掛部23‧‧‧傾斜偵測部251‧‧‧供電裝置30‧‧‧背負單元31‧‧‧骨桿結構32‧‧‧扣合結構321‧‧‧公扣合件322‧‧‧母扣合件33‧‧‧遮蔽結構35‧‧‧萬向接頭91‧‧‧點滴裝置92‧‧‧使用者