Reivindicaci n 1 Una composici n que comprende cido piroglut mico y un fungicida de estrobilurina Reivindicaci n 2 La composici n de acuerdo con la reivindicaci n 1 en donde la estrobilurina se selecciona del grupo que consiste en piraclostrobina azoxistrobina dimoxistrobina enestroburina fluoxastrobina kresoxim-metilo metominostrobina orisastrobina Leonardo robinhanBenzene benzene benzene benzene benzene benzene benzene benzene benzene benzene benzene benzene benzene - (2) 6-bis (dichlorophenyl) - 1-methyl-allidentinaminooximetli-phenyl-2-methoxim-n-methyl-acetamide. 13. Claim 3: the composition referred to in claim 2, i.e. strontium is selected from a group consisting of pyrethroids, subspeed Robina, trifluorobinin and fluoxastrobin a. Requirement 13: composition according to requirement 1,There, niacin is L-glutamate. Claim 14: composition in accordance with claim 1, in which the flame retardant is a mixture of L-and d-flame retardants with an L / D ratio of approximately 80:20 to 97:3. 13. Claim 15: the composition in accordance with claim 1, including phosphorus. 11. Claim 16: the composition referred to in claim 1, including a casting agent. Claim 17: composition of claim 1, including dimethyl sulfur. Requirement 19: composition according to requirement 18,There, estramycin is pyrethroid, and one or more mixtures include an iron binding agent, a manganese binding agent, and a zinc binding agent. Claim 21: a method for increasing plant output, including the use of an ingredient in the plant, including niacin and strontium fungicide, and the measurement of performance in Bu / A. claim 38: a formula includes niacin and fungicide, as well as a fungicide, The formula is one selected from the group, which is composed of an emulsifiable concentrate, a soluble concentrate and an oil to water emulsion,Micro resistance, oil-based suspension concentrate, suspension concentrate and dispersion concentrate. Claim 40: a method of preparing the ingredient in accordance with c