eye fatigue determining apparatus, moving a plurality of predetermined time interval within the displayed content the eye potential acquiring part for acquiring intraocular potential indicating the potential measured by the eyeball around the electrode of the viewers video content and (107B), which is measured in a plurality of predetermined time in the interval, the electrode and the viewer is the Impedance acquisition unit for acquiring the impedance between the skin at the application position of the electrode and (107A), based on the measured impedance to the impedance acquiring unit (107A) a plurality of predetermined time in the interval acquired is oculogram acquires Part (107B) ocular potential correcting section for correcting the ocular potential is measured in a plurality of predetermined time acquired section (110), a plurality of predetermined time intervals in after being corrected by eye potential correcting unit (110) Based on the measured eye potential, and a fatigue determining portion determining the fatigue of the eye of the viewer (111).眼球疲労判定装置は、動画コンテンツの表示中の複数の所定時間区間内に、動画コンテンツの視聴者の眼球周囲の電極で計測された電位を示す眼電位を取得する眼電位取得部(107B)と、複数の所定時間区間内に計測された、電極と視聴者の当該電極の貼り付け位置における皮膚との間のインピーダンスを取得するインピーダンス取得部(107A)と、インピーダンス取得部(107A)が取得した複数の所定時間区間内に計測されたインピーダンスに基づいて、眼電位取得部(107B)が取得した複数の所定時間区間内に計測された眼電位を補正する眼電位補正部(110)と、眼電位補正部(110)で補正された後の複数の所定時間区間内に計測された眼電位に基づいて、視聴者の眼球の疲労度を判定する疲労判定部(111)とを備える。