1. A method of milking animals management, which are able to move around the area intended for this purpose (11), wherein said area includes at least one enclosure (12) for grazing, which can graze animals zone (12) of milking, located remotely from the paddock grazing, and the track (14a-c), by which the animals in the pen for grazing can access the milking zone, the milking area comprises a milking system (16) for milking animals that have access to the milking area, characterized in that it comprises m the steps, performed in which- count (31) animals that have access to said milking area via the track in at least one position situated remotely from the milking system, - predicting (33) the future number of animals in the milking zone based on animal counted in at least one position situated remotely from the milking system u control (35) operation of the milking system or other installation in area manner and at a time that depends on the projected future doeniya.2 number of animals in the area. A method according to claim 1, wherein the counted animals that have access to said milking area via the track in at least one position situated remotely from the milking system are animals that have received permission to doenie.3. A method according to claim 1, wherein animals that have access to said milking area by track count in a plurality of positions, and the future number of animals in the milking zone predict based on animal counted in a plurality pozitsiy.4.1. Способ управления доением животных, которые имеют возможность передвигаться по предназначенной для этого территории (11), при этом указанная территория включает в себя по меньшей мере один загон (12) для выпаса, в котором могут пастись животные, зону (12) доения, расположенную удаленно от загона для выпаса, и дорожку (14a-c), посредством которой животные в загоне для выпаса могут получить доступ в зону доения, при этом зона доения содержит доильную систему (16) для доения животных, которые получили досту