Biosensor, communicator, and/or controller apparatus, systems, and methods areprovided for monitoring movement of a persons eye. The apparatus includes adevice configured to be worn on a users head, a light source for directinglight towards one or both eyes of the user, one or more image guides on thedevice for viewing one or both eyes of the user, and one or more camerascarried on the device and coupled to the image guides for acquiring images ofthe eyes and/or the users surroundings. The apparatus may include a cableand/or a transmitter for transmitting image data from the camera to a remotelocation, e.g., to processor and/or display for analyzing and/or displayingthe image data. A system including the apparatus may be used to monitor one ormore oculometric parameters, e.g., pupillary response, and/or to control acomputer using the users eyes instead of a mouse.