The invention relates to a method and an electronic device for the acquisition and storage in compressed form of ECG-type biological signals. The claimed method consists in partitioning the ECG signals into individual cardiac cycles, bringing them to the same dimension and compressing them by using the principle of the compressed acquisition. The claimed electronic device comprises an instrumentation amplifier () which amplifies an ECG signal coming from some electrodes and applies it both to a micro-controller (), which consists of an analogue-digital converter () where the signal is digitized at a frequency of 500 Hz with a resolution of 8 bits, and to an R wave-detection block () based on a derivative circuit and a threshold detector, which provides at the output digital impulses temporally corresponding to R-waves within the ECG signal, the flux of data provided by the analogue-digital converter () and the impulses provided by the R-wave detection block () are transmitted to a block () for extracting and processing the ECG cycle from which, the resampled cardiac cycle is transmitted to a projection computing block () where it is compressed and the compressed cardiac cycle is further stored together with the original dimension of the signal into a non-volatile memory (), the stored data being able to be discharged into a computer for decompression and subsequent utilization by means of a communication interface ().Invenţia se referă la o metodă şi la un dispozitiv electronic pentru achiziţia şi stocarea în formă comprimată a semnalelor biologice de tip ECG. Metoda conform invenţiei constă din partiţionarea semnalului ECG în cicluri cardiace individuale, aducerea lor la aceeaşi dimensiune, şi comprimarea acestora folosind principiul achiziţiei comprimate. Dispozitivul electronic, conform invenţiei, este alcătuit dintr-un amplificator de instrumentaţie (), care amplifică un semnal ECG provenit de la nişte electrozi, şi îl aplică atât unui microcontroler (), care