Mit dem Verfahren und der Vorrichtung zur Erfassung der individuellen Körperstatik einer Person mit Hilfe von Messdaten werden Körperpositionswerte, nämlich die Höhenwerte bestimmter Körperpunkte, Gewichtsdaten und Fußdruckverteilungsbilder herangezogen, um körperliche Dysbalancen festzustellen und gegebenenfalls zu korrigieren. Als Parameter für die Diagnose und die Beeinflussung der Statik werden Längendifferenzen wie z. B. die Beinlängendifferenz sowie Schiefstände in Becken-, Schulter- oder Leistenposition und zusätzlich Druckverteilungen an den Fußsohlen herangezogen.The method of detecting individual body statics of a person using measurement data, comprises determining position values of predefined body points depending on a position of both feet, optionally determining height differences of the measured position values from both sides against the same body points, detecting foot pressure distribution image, summarizing data sets of the measured values and images to a data determined house position, and displaying and/or storing the data sets, where the position of the feet remains same during the determination step. The method of detecting individual body statics of a person using measurement data, comprises determining position values of predefined body points depending on a position of both feet, optionally determining height differences of the measured position values from both sides against the same body points, detecting foot pressure distribution image, summarizing data sets of the measured values and images to a data determined house position, and displaying and/or storing the data sets, where the position of the feet remains same during the determination step and the position of the feet is changed for additional measurements or record investigations by raising or lowering the foot relative to the other, raising or lowering a foot tip or raising or lowering a bottom edge of the foot. The body points include head apex point and foot basis points of bo