1. Skin contacting material for placement on human or animal skin, the material comprising: a hydrocolloid substrate having a first surface intended to be placed on the skin and a second surface intended to be away from the skin; a silicone adhesive layer provided on the first surface and designed to be in contact with the skin in order to adherently adhere the material to the skin, the silicone adhesive layer being discontinuous on the first surface, so that the areas of the first on top the features are not obscured by the silicone adhesive layer, the regions being arranged to be directly adjacent and / or in contact with the skin. 2. The material of claim 1, wherein the hydrocolloid substrate contains synthetic material. The material of claim 1, wherein the hydrocolloid substrate contains a natural hydrocolloid. The material of claim 3, wherein the hydrocolloid contains any one or a combination of the following set: resin; cellulose; cellulose derivative; alginate; starch. 5. The material according to claim 1, which further comprises gelatin or pectin. 6. The material of claim 4, wherein the hydrocolloid further comprises carboxymethyl cellulose in a polyisobutylene matrix. The material of claim 1, wherein the silicone adhesive is a composite and contains many different silicones and / or silicone-based materials. A material according to claim 1, wherein the hydrocolloid substrate has a thickness in the range of 0.5 to 5.0 mm. The material of claim 1, wherein the silicone adhesive is formed as lines, dots, spots, or marks on a first surface. The material according to claim 9, where lines, dots, spots or marks create a pattern on the first surface, which is1. Контактирующий с кожей материал для расположения на коже человека или животного, причем материал содержит:гидроколлоидный субстрат, имеющий первую поверхность, предназначенную для расположения на коже, и вторую поверхность, предназначенную быть обращенной от кожи;силиконовый адгезивный слой, обеспеченный на п