A toothpowder oral care composition of fluoride ion source particulate (such as stannous fluoride particulate) dispersed in an oral calcium carbonate abrasive particulate bed is achieved with careful adjustment of the particle sizes of both the fluorinated particulate and the abrasive particulate to achieve a bed of toothpowder where neither the fluorinated particulate or the abrasive particulate will settle to create a localized concentration of the fluoride significantly different from the average concentration of the fluoride throughout the bed. (i) A metallic mounting bracket where the horizontal face has mounting holes with/without depression in upper direction positioned in such away that they get fitted properly on the inbuilt studs (bolts) on the base of gear lever and its vertical face has holes for fixing screws arrangement for mounting gear lock assembly on it using pin small and big hole(s) through which gear lock"s large pin passes (ii) A locking bracket of metal plate, overlapping properly with the rear half of mounting bracket where the horizontal portion of plate has holes with/without depression in inverted direction coming above sets of nut-bolts tightening mounting bracket and the vertical portion of this bracket plate has hole(s) for fixing screw(s) arrangement for mounting gear lock assembly using pin small and a bog hole(s through which gear lock"s in pin large passes (iii)Lock-asy fixed on the vertical portion of mounting bracket with the help of screws and locked with the locking and mounting brackets with pin small and (iv)A strong, smooth, thick and very hard pin large with one end pointed and another with aesthetically designed head, passing through the console of gear shift lever and Iock-asy beyond the gear shift lever.