FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: correction of oral speech disorders is conducted in the form of four therapeutic and corrective steps of speech therapy classes in groups or individually within 5-7 minutes daily, and/or 10-30 min speech therapy sessions are conducted 2-3 times a week. At that, phonemic components of speech are pronounced or sung and the child/children is involved into a state of active automation and differentiation of sounds by creating dynamic stereotypes through distribution and concentration of attention between tactile, auditory verbal and visual sensations. The first step includes articulation of vowel sounds in conjunction with the development of fingers coordination, by pronouncing or singing vowels in association with a finger and sustained movement of fingers from the thumb to the little finger and vice versa. The second step includes distribution and concentration of attention between tactile, auditory verbal and visual sensations exercised by finger action with simultaneous pronouncing of phonemic components formed by early ontogenesis consonant phonemes joining to the vowels. The third step includes repeated performance of the mentioned finger action with pronouncing or singing of phonemic speech components created and updated in the process of automation and differentiation, in the form of a combination of vowels and sibilant, vowels and hissy, vowels and labiodental phonemes. The fourth step includes the development of phonemic components with sonorous phonemes L, L, R, R with the above-mentioned finger actions. Each step lasts 1-3 months.EFFECT: method provides overcoming of phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment, improves coordination and overall fine motor skills, prevents of dysgraphia and dyslexia, forms primary reading skills, improves left-right side coordination and harmonization of the cerebral hemispheres operation, improves immunity, psychological state, memory, respiratory system, visual and auditory attention, stimulates tho