According to a surgical instrument guiding system of the present invention, a physician can instantly obtain a true visual field of a surgical site of a patient, a three-dimensional medical image aligned and registered with the surgical site, and a real-time positional relationship between a surgical instrument and the surgical site through a smart glasses. The surgical instrument guiding system provides an entrance guidance interface, an angle guidance interface, and a depth guidance interface to assist the physician in understanding whether the positional relationship between the surgical instrument and the surgical site meets a preoperative planning. More specifically, the invention increases the accuracy of the positional, angle and depth relationship between the surgical instrument and the surgical site.本發明手術器械引導系統,醫師通過一智能眼鏡可以即時的得到患者手術部位的真實視野、與患者手術部位配準重合的三維醫學圖像、以及手術器械與患者手術部位的實時位置關係;該引導系統提供入口指引介面、角度指引介面、以及深度指引介面,輔助執刀醫師可以具體的知悉手術器械與患者手術部位的位置關係是否符合術前規劃,具體的增加手術器械對患者手術部位的位置、角度和深度的準確性。