EFIMOVA, Vera Petrovna,ЕФИМОВА, Вера Петровна,KUBRINA, Viktoriya Alexandrovna,КУБРИНА, Виктория Александровна
The invention relates to psychological testing means, more specifically to occupational selection means and means for determining occupational suitability in different spheres of human activity. The technical result of the invention is increased accuracy in assessing whether a persons individual typological characteristics meet the psychophysiological requirements of strategic specialisms. The assessment method involves carrying out sociobiographical questioning and psychophysiological testing on three levels, the first of which is "generalities about the person" the second level - "particularities about the person" - is carried out according to a hierarchical four-tiered psychological model of a person with gradations corresponding to 24 personality types divided into two sub-types, introvert and extrovert, with combinations of personal constructs distributed therebetween the third level "singularities about the person" is divided into ten types of individual accentuations of character and temperament according to three parameters. An expert opinion is drawn up on the basis of computer processed data from the results of the three-tiered testing of a persons individual typological characteristics, which are compared with given individual typological requirements of strategic specialisms, and then recommendations are established concerning occupational guidance and the goal-oriented activity of the individual.Linvention concerne des moyens pour conduire des expériences psychologiques et notamment des moyens de sélection professionnelle et de détermination de laptitude professionnelle dans différents domaines de lactivité humaine. Le résultat technique de lutilisation de linvention consiste en une meilleure précision de lévaluation de la correspondance des particularités individuelles et typologiques dun individu aux exigences psychophysiologiques aux exigences stratégiques. Le procédé dévaluation consiste à effectuer un enquête socio-biographique et un test psycho-ph