Operating room situated, parts-inventory control system and supervisory arrangement for accurately tracking the use of and accounting for the ultimate disposition of an individual component part of a complete implant which is then being surgically engrafted in-vivo upon or into the body of a living subject
The preset invention is an inventory-parts control system and supervisory arrangement suitable for tracking the actual use of and accounting for the ultimate disposition of at least some of the individual pieces constituting an implant (or a complete implant construct), which is then being surgically engrafted in-vivo. This inventory-parts control system and supervisory arrangement is accurate, reliable, and fully functional for inventory part control purposes during the surgery; and will account for the ultimate disposition of each required component item of that implant (or complete implant construct) individually and in a timely manner, as each part is individually surgically introduced and engrafted in-vivo at a preselected anatomic site upon or within the body of a living subject.