Бабурин Александр Борисович (RU),Логинов Валерий Иванович (RU),Лунин Сергей Алексеевич (RU),Ботяков Анатолий Геннадьевич (RU),Сморкалов Андрей Юрьевич (RU),Усенко Лилия Ивановна (RU)
The invention relates to medical engineering, in particular to disposable syringes for injection, the chance sequential administration of two or more drugs. The multicomponent syringe tube includes: a cylindrical container with the outer rim and back lid is divided into sections movable transverse partition, which has a perforated hole is hermetically covered with a thin polymer film without piston rod with an internal recess located directly above the perforated hole of the transverse partitions and the protrusion on the outer side having the threads. With the front part of the reservoir situated cannula with an external thread, into which sealingly soldered injection needle tip is located inside the cylindrical vessel, and the needle axis coincides with perforated baffle hole and the inner recess of the piston. Outside the needle closes the cap, made from a rigid polymeric material and a length slightly exceeding the length of the tank with an internal thread matching the diameter of the threaded cannula and a piston having in the sealed edge area greater than the cap diameter.Proposed syringe tube may be made of any size and volume compartments can have a different amount with respect to each other. Medicinal substances are not mixed with each other, are entered without residue, absorption of drug administered back possible, thus reducing the time of administration of several drugs. It can be effectively used on the battlefield and in emergency situations in peacetime and wartime, including persons who have no medical training.Устройство относится к медицинской технике, а именно к одноразовым шприцам для инъекций, с возможностью последовательного введения двух и более препаратов. Многокомпонентный шприц-тюбик включает в себя: цилиндрический резервуар с наружным ободком и тыльной крышечкой, разделенный на отсеки подвижной поперечной перегородкой, в которой имеется перфоративное отверстие, герметично закрытое тонкой полимерной пленкой поршень без штока с внутренней