# $% ^ &*AU2014201318B220180621.pdf##### H-IL-00087 A(1988-87 a)Route planning systems and methodAbstract[00028] for a kind of system and method by one path of anatomical luminal planNetwork including storing a patient of the memory (104) that a computer program is configured toCT images are analyzed and manipulate, a processor (106) is configured to executionComputer program, display equipment (102) are configured to show a user interfaceComputer program. User interface includes that one side CT images window is configured toShow a piece of CT images data, a face locator window is configured to show that an image existsA least lung, the locator window of the locator including being configured to mark one side positionDisplay relative at least one lung and a target area preferred elements is slicedIt is configured to display slice one target of selection from CT images data in response to aUser inputs. 8411928 13/23 ...... ..... -- --- ---- -..t. C?-- -- - -- -- - -- a CR CME*t