An osteoinductive composition, corresponding osteoimplants, and methods formaking the osteoinductive composition are disclosed. The osteoinductivecomposition comprises osteoinductive factors, such as may be extracted fromdemineralized bone, and a carrier. The osteoinductive composition is preparedby providing demineralized bone, extracting osteoinductive factors from thedemineralized bone, and adding the extracted osteoinductive factors to acarrier. Further additives such as bioactive agents may be added to theosteoinductive composition. The carrier and osteoinductive factors may form anosteogenic osteoimplant. The osteoimplant, when implanted in a mammalian body,can induce at the locus of the implant the full developmental cascade ofendochondral bone formation including vascularization, mineralization, andbone marrow differentiation. Also, in some embodiments, the osteoinductivecomposition can be used as a delivery device to administer bioactive agents.