This Hair Ming Department You Off Yu mono- Seed Ke Carrying formulas Electricity catches Flies devices, Qi Zhu, which Yaos Let, has a Ke Zhi Let for Electricity Xi System and Electricity Lu Xi System Xiang Body, Yu Xiang Body Inner Let have a Move power source again, and Let has Strike Death Turn Wheels Shang the Chu Li Shaft of Move power source, and Strike Death Turn Wheels Xia Fang Let have the undertaking pumping surfaces Drawer Continued Yu Xiang Body to divide Fabric You Complex Number open-works, and the inductor in each open-work Office Let You Ke Even Move Move power source of what, Yu Xiang Body Inner Let have caulking groove Right Should Zhi Let Xi Yin Cang Flies Lure foods to most Hou againWhen Shi Yong Ke Carrying formulas Electricity catch Flies Qi Time Department entered by Tou Kong Fly with Gas Wei Yin Lure Cang Flies Ji You Touch Move inductors with Flooding Move Move Li Yuan Turn Move Productivity raw Negative Pressure Er Will Cang Flies are drawn to Strike Death Turn Wheels and kill and fall into undertaking and take out in Drawer, the thereby effect of Da to effective Qing Chu Cang Flies, Qie Ke Sui Shen Carrying Tapes are with sharp out using person.本發明係有關於一種可攜式電子捕蠅器,其主要設有一可置設供電系統及電路系統的箱體,再於箱體內設有一動力源,且動力源出力軸上設有擊斃轉輪,而擊斃轉輪下方設有承接抽屜,續於箱體表面分佈有複數透孔,且於每一透孔處設有可連動動力源的感應器,最後再於箱體內設有嵌槽對應置設吸引蒼蠅的誘食;當使用可攜式電子捕蠅器時,係以氣味引誘蒼蠅由透孔飛入,藉由觸動感應器以驅動動力源轉動產生負壓,而將蒼蠅吸至擊斃轉輪打死而落入承接抽屜中,藉此,達到有效清除蒼蠅的效果,且可隨身攜帶以利外出使用者。