The utility model refers to agriculture, in particular, to the means for advertising greenhouses, and can be used to display products at various exhibition events and fairs.The framework for the demonstration of the greenhouse includes frame elements with interconnecting means and with support pillars fixed to them, a covering sheet of the greenhouse, in which transverse channels are supported plastic or metal arcs, and the frame is made in the form of two integrally assembled geometric frame elements in the form of a square and the triangle adjacent to it, the vertices of which are directed in opposite directions and outwards of the frame, the whole assembled elements are connected to each other with respect to the power of the side rails, at the ends of which and integrally assembled elements couplings of the "bushing-rod" type are made, on the outer surface of the rails, as well as along the perimeter of the assembled elements, the support pillars, while the ends of the canopy of the greenhouse are fixed at the tops of the triangles of the perfectly assembled figures. The connecting pair "bushing-rod" in the cross section is made in a rectangular shape. The connection of the bearing arcs of the greenhouse to the supports of the frame is made with the tips installed on one side into the hole of the greenhouse tube arc, and on the other side into the hole of the frame support frame.At present, the author made a pilot batch of skeletons, preliminary tests of which showed positive results.Полезная модель относится к сельскому хозяйству, в частности к средствам, обеспечивающим рекламу парников, и может быть использована при показе продукции на различных выставочных мероприятиях и ярмарках.Каркас для демонстрации парника включает рамные элементы с соединительными между собой средствами и с закрепленными на них стойками-опорами, укрывное полотно парника, в поперечных каналах которого установлены несущие пластиковые или металлические дуги, при этом каркас выполнен в виде