A portable measuring system (210) is proposed which is used to analyze aliquidsample for at least one analyte contained therein. The portable measuringsystem(210) has a moisture-proof housing (212) with an internal atmosphere (214).Themoisture-proof housing (212) prevents air moisture and/or water vapor frompenetrating into the internal atmosphere (214) of the housing. The portablemeasuring system (210) also has at least one test element support (216)insertedinto the internal atmosphere (214) of the housing. The at least one testelementsupport (216) is equipped with at least one retaining structure (218) and atleastone test element (112) that is supported by the at least one retainingstructure(218). The at least one test element support (216) is designed in such a waythat,after insertion into the internal atmosphere (214) of the housing, the atleast onetest element (112) is exposed to said internal atmosphere (214). A releasemechanism (228) is also provided which can convey at least one test element(112)into an application position (230) within the internal atmosphere (214) of thehousing. In this application position (230), the liquid sample can be appliedto theat least one test element (112).